Hold Up, And Another Thing!!!!

Club Shay Shay with a Different Type of NightCap

Mixed Vibez Media, LLC

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Shannon Sharpe made social media go crazy with an Instagram Live that he was heard in the act of sex. Let's be real, we all do it. But to join Mr. Bell in this Convo he brings in the K from Distant Convos with K & S. Mr. Bell says he would leave it up and let who ever may hear it listen. It's life things happen. We also have a quick conversation about women thinking men are supposed to pay their bills. We live in a "keeping up with the Jones" world now without knowing everything that is going on or a since of what is really going on in our world. 

Youtube to https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPIs6Ko7BCc9l5jlE5AbAUqZ0gAOhmuq-

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